2020 10 09 Flight to Vermont

Skyhawk N9767F, our plane this time. Not the youngest, but these planes are very sturdy and reliable. Of course and again, our trip brought us over NSLS-II, our workplace. Everything under control, although this old Garmin unit drove me crazy. Very finicky. We kept our health under control as well.
Crossing the Sound to New Haven in Connecticut. Most trees are still green in Connecticut. Hartford, capital of Connecticut, in the distance. The foliage gets redder in Massachusetts. Cobble Mountain Reservoir in the back.
Blandford, a village with a famous White Church. Ashmere Lake in the front, Mount Greylock ahead. Some light clouds. Veterans War Memorial on the top of Mount Greylock.
Reaching Vermont and the Green Mountain National Forest. Not really densely populated. We landed in Rutland and got a car to explore the area. First stop: McGrath's Irish Pub for a nice Shepherd's Pie. Rustic and cosy, the bar. The colors of the foliage were magnificent.
The rental car folks gave us a Jeep. A great car to explore the unpaved roads. The road went alongside Mendon Brook. Changing colors here as well. After the takeoff, another view on area around Rutland. Beautiful landscape and colors.
Clearly Indian Summer in full. Vermont's foliage and the Green Mountains. On our way back we got closer to Hartford.